One 1976 Silver Dollar

You made your first trade
It was for a Buck...
You're on your way
I wish you good luck.......

-Launa Brock

What does a 1976 Silver Dollar get you these days? Well... a soon to be famous Lint Monster of course! That's right, July 26, 2006 marks the day my One Pinch of Pocket Lint was traded to Launa Brock for her 1976 Silver Dollar. We met Launa and Dennis Brock in Irvine, CA at a bakery to make the first trade. They were such a nice couple, they even gave us a card with the poem above written in it (card and coin pictured below). They got the silver dollar in Las Vegas 17 years ago, they had run off to Vegas to elope. Believe it or not they were married on April fool's day but their marriage was no joke, they are still happily married after 17 years. It felt great to finally get the first trade under my belt and it couldn't have been with nicer people.

So does the trading stop here? Nope, that's just the beginning of a long journey and a series of trades to come, to eventually reach my goal, a house!

So if you are a coin collector, or know of someone that is a coin collector and want to get them a gift or maybe just want to be part of the journey, then send in your offers of something bigger or better for the 1776-1976 Bicentennial Silver Dollar.

Send your offers for the 1976 Silver Dollar to

Update: Click here to see who I traded the One 1976 Silver Dollar with.


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