One Pinch of Pocket Lint

One Pinch of Pocket Lint
I will up-trade you for a mint
or a pen, or a hen or something
worth more than an empty pocket lined with lint.

-George R. Ogan

I know it's not much but that's all I have in my pocket at the moment. I won't bore you with a trialsome life long story filled with up and down times and all that stuff, hoping to get someone to do something nice for me. I just want to see if I can trade up to something great for my little lint monster.

I want to trade the Lint Monster, as I like calling it, for something better, something worth more, something that still has value but maybe not to you. If we agree on the trade I promise to meet you in person anyway or fashion. I will travel to your home, your place of business, a coffee shop in your area, meet you half way, maybe you're planning a trip to Southern California and we could meet at Disneyland or we could meet at my place. Anyway you want, we then will make the trade. So start sending me offers to trade for a soon to be famous Lint Monster. This Lint Monster needs a good home.

So is that the end of the line once the trade is done, a Lint Monster for something we traded? Nope, I then will be trading my new item for something of a little more value, then trading that for something a little better until I reach my goal. A house!

So let the trading begin. E-mail me at with your item details. I'm hoping to trade with you real soon!
Update: Click here to see who I traded the One Pinch of Pocket Lint with.


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