Don't Seize the Moment of Your Lifetime!

This is off topic but it's worth hearing about it now than later. You might be getting emails soon circulating about "The Red Planet (Mars) is about to be spectacular! This month and next..." or come across a website, like I did last night, to "Mark your calendar throughout the month of August, but especially …August, 27th, 2006","This month and next, Earth will catch up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The next time Mars may come this close: 2287"..."To the naked eye Mars will look as large as the full moon!"

Now this all sounds great, I would love to see this but I then googled it to try to find out more about this and came across this site

Mars Spectacular

Claim: The planet Mars will make a once-in-our-lifetimes remarkably close approach to Earth in August.

Status: Multiple:

  • Mars passed extraordinarily close to Earth in August 2003: True.
  • Mars will pass extraordinarily close to Earth in August 2006: False.

full read

So Beware the Mars Hoax, trade Lint Monsters and be happy!


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