I have a stalker! That's right a full fledge stalker, I feel like a celebrity. Thanks man, it feels great to be a celebrity but Please! No paparazzi! I don't think Kyle the one red paperclip guy ever had a stalker, he never mentioned it from what I recall. Kyle, you got your house but I gotts me a Stalker.

This stalker has followed me around from San Francisco to San Diego from The OC to Vegas. Anywhere I place an ad on CraigsList, he is there 10 minutes to an hour later posting 4 to 5 ads in a row, similar to mine but with little differences, saying he is the original silver dollar trader, he writes "I am the first one to do this and all the others are copying me so flag all these fakes" and on and on.

It started in the LA area CraigsList then moved to OC just littering the net with bogus ads. I tried to defend myself but that didn't help, it even made it worse. Then he started cussing at me. I tried to defend myself but he just used it as fuel for a major fire, then he crossed the line. He started using my email address and my web address and started cussing at people making it look like it was me in his ads. Wow, can you say "defamation of character". I have even had people defend me, posting to leave me alone, that I am just trying to have fun, but he thinks he knows my writing style and that it's just me pretending to be someone else. Nice try, but people can see right through you. It makes no sense for someone to post so many ads at once, all in a row when hours ago there was none to speak of.

This has been going on since July 27, 2006. This person has made a full time job out of this. Everyday I have to re-post my ad, because the previous ad was removed by people flagging it, thanks to him. The stalker is there with a vengeance to take me down! I am not sure what I did to deserve this sort of attention but I'm sort of flattered. Not everyday do you have a stalker.

He told me at first that the trade-up to a house has been done, he is referring to Kyle with the one red paperclip, that it was a novelty and it's old, and for me to be original.

Well, your stalking is getting old and even though it's not a novelty, it has been done and they all have paid the price. Not saying I am going to waste the money to prosecute you, the stalker, but one day you will piss off the wrong person and get what you deserve.

I think the only way to stop him is if I can find a attorney that will work pro bono. I will give free advertising on my blog for the life of the site, to subpoena CraigsList and get his information and serve him with a civil suit. I have been in contact with CraigsList but they can not give me his information with out a subpoena.

I would hate to take it that far but I feel bad for this person, they have no life, no future, no reason to live in society, maybe not even in a institution. It's pretty scary to think that there is such a person on earth like this.

Please send in your stalker horror stories; I would like to know if ordinary people, like myself, not famous, yet, have or have had a stalker.


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