One 1976 Silver Dollar

You made your first trade
It was for a Buck...
You're on your way
I wish you good luck.......

-Launa Brock

What does a 1976 Silver Dollar get you these days? Well... a soon to be famous Lint Monster of course! That's right, July 26, 2006 marks the day my One Pinch of Pocket Lint was traded to Launa Brock for her 1976 Silver Dollar. We met Launa and Dennis Brock in Irvine, CA at a bakery to make the first trade. They were such a nice couple, they even gave us a card with the poem above written in it (card and coin pictured below). They got the silver dollar in Las Vegas 17 years ago, they had run off to Vegas to elope. Believe it or not they were married on April fool's day but their marriage was no joke, they are still happily married after 17 years. It felt great to finally get the first trade under my belt and it couldn't have been with nicer people.

So does the trading stop here? Nope, that's just the beginning of a long journey and a series of trades to come, to eventually reach my goal, a house!

So if you are a coin collector, or know of someone that is a coin collector and want to get them a gift or maybe just want to be part of the journey, then send in your offers of something bigger or better for the 1776-1976 Bicentennial Silver Dollar.

Send your offers for the 1976 Silver Dollar to

Update: Click here to see who I traded the One 1976 Silver Dollar with.

Don't Seize the Moment of Your Lifetime!

This is off topic but it's worth hearing about it now than later. You might be getting emails soon circulating about "The Red Planet (Mars) is about to be spectacular! This month and next..." or come across a website, like I did last night, to "Mark your calendar throughout the month of August, but especially …August, 27th, 2006","This month and next, Earth will catch up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The next time Mars may come this close: 2287"..."To the naked eye Mars will look as large as the full moon!"

Now this all sounds great, I would love to see this but I then googled it to try to find out more about this and came across this site

Mars Spectacular

Claim: The planet Mars will make a once-in-our-lifetimes remarkably close approach to Earth in August.

Status: Multiple:

  • Mars passed extraordinarily close to Earth in August 2003: True.
  • Mars will pass extraordinarily close to Earth in August 2006: False.

full read

So Beware the Mars Hoax, trade Lint Monsters and be happy!

Certificate of Authenticity

OK, it's not a real Certificate of Authenticity but I had to jazz the Lint up a bit before I traded it off. I didn't want to just dig in my pocket and pull out and hand over my Lint Monster without it safe and secure in a capsule or something. Someone could really get hurt with a Lint Monster on the loose if it was not contained.

So I present to you one secure Pinch of Pocket Lint with the official unofficial Certificate of Authenticity.

Send your offers for One Pinch of Pocket Lint with the official unofficial Certificate of Authenticity to

Offers so far for the One Pinch of Pocket Lint

I have received a few offers so far, tell me which one you think is best.
  • Michelle offered a Rock for my Lint Monster. She says: "I would like to introduce you to Rocky. He is a genuine true rock. He is male, caucasian, just over 2 1/2" long & only about 2 oz. He is a very happy little guy, always seems to have a smile on his face. Hope you enjoy his picture!
  • Launa offered me a 1976 Silver Dollar for my One Pinch of Pocket Lint.
  • and last but not least, Ddmnwlking118 offered a one free stay in a local mental health clinic of your choice. I know he means well but I don't think they will let him give up his bed there. What do you think?

Hopefully a few more offers will come in before the weekend is over. I'm excited to get the first trade under my belt! If any of the above items interest you, make an offer for them as well and maybe I could make a two for one special.

Update: Another offer in.

  • Phuongie's offer: "I have 2 donors who are willing and able to trade that lint monster of yours for a bag of fur, not just any fur!! but premium genuine siberian husky fur!!! how big of a bag, you might ask??? not a dinky lil ziplock sandwich bag, no no no! they're willing to give up a hefty garbage bag full of the fur off their own backs! and legs...and butt..and head...and chest, and don't forget the tummy fur...this is their one and final offer and plea for that lint's a toy that would bring much joy to their boring and drab life of catching flies and rolling around in bounce fabric sheets..... ". Thanks Phungie for the offer but my dog Schmitty would go to crazy if he smelled another dog around. I will have to pass.

Send your offers for the Lint Monster or the above items to

Contact me or the Lint Monster


My status

About One Pinch of Pocket Lint

Hi, my name is George. I was inspired by the one red paperclip guy, Kyle MacDonald. I'm not sure why I never heard his story before last week, when I did I was floored. The funny thing is he seems to be exactly like me, always thinking of ways to make it in this world, this time he did, I Congratulate him. Nice job Kyle! Ring me up any time.

I have a lot of time on my hands so I thought, what the heck, I'm going to give my idea a try. What do I have to loose? Oh wait, I can loose my lint monster. Oh well, I guess eventually I will find another.

I kicked a few ideas around and my brother hit it on the head. The only thing in my pocket at the time, One Pinch of Pocket Lint! I will be up-trading to something from practically nothing. This soon to be famous Lint Monster, that's what I like to call it, will be up-traded to a soon to be famous person, just for something of a little more value. But wait, it won't stop there. I will be up-trading that item for a bigger and/or better item and continue up-trading until I reach my goal, A House!

July 13th, 2006 Started the day of trading to bigger and better things. Let the offers pour in. You can make offers for the soon to be famous Lint Monster here: Offers are not being accepted any longer, Thanks. 

One Pinch of Pocket Lint

One Pinch of Pocket Lint
I will up-trade you for a mint
or a pen, or a hen or something
worth more than an empty pocket lined with lint.

-George R. Ogan

I know it's not much but that's all I have in my pocket at the moment. I won't bore you with a trialsome life long story filled with up and down times and all that stuff, hoping to get someone to do something nice for me. I just want to see if I can trade up to something great for my little lint monster.

I want to trade the Lint Monster, as I like calling it, for something better, something worth more, something that still has value but maybe not to you. If we agree on the trade I promise to meet you in person anyway or fashion. I will travel to your home, your place of business, a coffee shop in your area, meet you half way, maybe you're planning a trip to Southern California and we could meet at Disneyland or we could meet at my place. Anyway you want, we then will make the trade. So start sending me offers to trade for a soon to be famous Lint Monster. This Lint Monster needs a good home.

So is that the end of the line once the trade is done, a Lint Monster for something we traded? Nope, I then will be trading my new item for something of a little more value, then trading that for something a little better until I reach my goal. A house!

So let the trading begin. E-mail me at with your item details. I'm hoping to trade with you real soon!
Update: Click here to see who I traded the One Pinch of Pocket Lint with.